Toucher apk Description
In v1.3 we added most wanted features from our users -- Screenshot, Back and Menu buttons. Due to Android system, these features only be available on ROOT devices. In which case, we added a option in Toucher Preference, to control whether root features are displayed or not. Find it in "App drawer - Toucher - Root features"
Besides, considering screenshot feature may have different performances on various devices, we offer you 3 modes to screenshot: POWER and VOLUME-, POWER and HOME, Toucher custom. Find what you need in "App drawer - Toucher - Screenshot mode" (need ROOT features option on first)
And we also added an easy way to open Recent app list: double click the point, which we heard from our users' feeback, hope you like it.
app drawer - Toucher - Toucher Point Enabled, turn off.
Toucher, enhanced version of TouchHelper, more themes and more features!
Toucher is a tool application specially designed for Android devices. We expanded the concept of the iPhone AssistiveTouch, and redesigned for the Android devices, both mobilephones and tablets. Toucher gathers most commonly used and needed features of Android system in this suspending point.
Besides, we're taking further steps on personalization and trying our best to bring you more themes, it may appears just like another suspending frame, or a full-screen theme(like what we did in WP theme and TouchHelper default theme"colorbar"), also the point skins. And we're aiming at being better than Assistive Touch. So, just try this on and keep focus on Toucher!
#How to switch theme
"App drawer - Toucher icon - theme settings"
#How to uninstall
"App drawer - Toucher icon - Uninstall"
or "default theme - Touch - Uninstall"
(Once you activate lock screen feature, you cannot uninstall Toucher in app drawer directly.)
#Feature lists:
*Lock Screen
*Home - Long press to open recent app list
*Favor app
*Device switches (eighteen types in total)
*Menu: right now you can change themes and uninstall Toucher.
*Clean up memory
*Recent apps
*Themes: colorbar, WP
Looking forward to your feedback!
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